The first time I came to Nyack, I helped myself to some seeds. Years before we ever thought about leaving the city, I visited Nyack for an art show at the Edward Hopper House. A close friend had some sculpture hanging in the garden, I believe from rubberbands. It was his rubberband period. We walked around town; I remember going into the Runcible Spoon for coffee, and having dinner by the river at the River Club. On the way to the River Club, we passed a front yard that had the most beautiful burgundy/black hollyhocks. I impulsively reached over the fence and shook out some seeds. Back in Brooklyn, they never grew for me. Fast forward more than twenty years, and I live in Nyack. This year, I finally got my burgundy/black hollyhocks– thanks to seeds from Nyack Seed Exchange and Jennifer Hausler, my co-founder of Rockland County’s first seed library.


– Laurie